Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hi from sunny Florida

Hey guys, sorry I've been kind of MIA - I'm on vacation in sunny Florida and this is the first access I've had to a computer. Retro, right? I'm with my mom who isn't really into movies because she has trouble staying awake, so the only one I've really watched is Leap Year, which is a romantic comedy set in Ireland. (My mom is 100% Irish so it was an obvious choice.) It's not the best rom com ever made, but it was cute. Pretty landscape shots, that's for sure. It made me want to go back to Ireland again.

Brandon you're not the only one who hasn't seen Blue Valentine - I haven't either. I hope to at some point (is it out on Netflix yet?). I haven't seen most of the movies you guys have mentioned in your recent posts actually. I will be getting back to NYC on Monday, so I should be back to more of my usual movie-watching habits then. It's hard to watch a movie amid all this sunshine.

Interesting discussion about cynicism vs. optimism. I've been a huge cynic the last few years but I'm really trying to move more toward an optimistic outlook. I never really thought of it in relation to movies and directors but I don't know why not.

Ben and Jeffrey, I really like Twin Peaks. I don't plan on selling my DVDs either. Ben I remember when you first watched it! When you got your wisdom teeth out, right? I knew you'd like it.

I don't really have any interest in watching The Fighter... regardless of whether it's a boxing movie or a crackhead movie. I'm not a big Christian Bale fan. But maybe someday I'll watch it.

And last but not least, I never can come up with a great title. I liked Kubrick's Rube though. Nice to meet you Jason!

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