Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm ba-ack!

Well I got back from Florida on Monday and have been trying to catch up on all of your posts. It's a little overwhelming, to be honest. So I'm just going to respond to Jeffrey's 2007 list. What great movies. I haven't seen The Diving Bell & The Butterfly, although when I worked at Ogilvy & Mather they brought in Janusz Kaminski to speak and so of course I went and he was amazing and showed a clip from it which made me want to see it and not see it at the same time. I hate things about people who've had a stroke, I think mostly because I was there when my grandpa (who was like a father to me and who also was a veritable genius) had a stroke and it was horrifying and he lived like that for like a couple weeks and then died... So I just haven't been able to bring myself to watch it. Maybe someday. 4 months, 3 weeks, 2 days has been in my queue since it came out. I was worried it would be really disturbing. But one of these days I'll watch it. I think I would like Sunshine and Ratatouille, so I need to watch them for sure. I haven't heard of Eastern Promises, but I will check it out. The rest on your list I totally agree with. Zodiac is easily one of my favorite movies ever. And I also think No Country for Old Men is the Coen brothers' finest. To be honest I liked and hated The Savages all at the same time... I think because it hit a little too close to home (my grandma had dementia and out of 6 kids my mom ended up being the one taking care of her), but I appreciated that it was pretty true to what happens to a family in a situation like that. Like Jeffrey I also LOVE Laura Linney (to the point of watching her TV show about cancer, which is another topic I hate, just to see her act as much as I possibly can) and am completely obsessed with Phillip Seymour Hoffman. (Doubt would definitely be on my 2008 movie list if I made one.)

While I was in Florida I watched (and in some cases re-watched) a couple movies with my parents:
-The Fugitive (This is quite the anxiety generator. I have no idea how I had never seen this before. I liked it, Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones were great.)
-Eyes of Laura Mars (My mom remembered liking this when she was in high school... I LOVED it actually. It was a great mystery movie with a fantastic twist ending. Starring Faye Dunaway and Tommy Lee Jones. Fab.)
-The War of the Roses (My mom thought I would like this because I love Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner, and I loved them together in Romancing the Stone and Jewel of the Nile. But I thought this movie was pretty stupid. I do not recommend it.)
-Legal Eagles (This was cute in the romance department but kind of silly otherwise. I love Debra Winger ever since seeing An Officer and a Gentleman, and who doesn't like Robert Redford. Daryl Hannah on the other hand I could do without. The climax of this one was pretty silly and involved a fire in an art gallery. Unless you're jonesing for some good romance like I am, I'd skip this one.)
-Mickey Blue Eyes (I've always liked this movie, I think you have to just appreciate it for what it is... a non-gangster gangster comedy. I think it's funny. Especially the scene where James Caan is trying to teach Hugh Grant how to say gangster phrases with his British accent, and then Hugh Grant tries to order food in the restaurant with his horrible gangster voice. Classic. Makes me laugh every time.)
-The Wedding Planner (This has never been one of my favorite romcoms, but honestly I'd watch Matthew McConaughey knit for two hours, so I always enjoy it.)
-You've Got Mail (SO dated. I love it just for that. Plus, Meg Ryan. But my sister hates this movie because it's WAY too long. Which I agree with.)

I read The Lincoln Lawyer while I was in Florida. It's a murder mystery and involves a trial, both of which I love. I loved the book so I definitely plan on going to see the movie. I'm sure you guys will hate it.

Glad to be back!

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