Monday, March 28, 2011

Brandon I swear I'm not ignoring your posts...

Brandon I keep missing like half of your posts for some reason. I think I'm glad that I didn't read anything about Dogtooth, although I'm curious what you learned listening to an interview with the guy? I'm not surprised that it's probably just Euro art house trash... it seemed really excessive to me, I thought all the sex was just... I don't know what the right word is. Definitely trashy. Gimmicky? I was thinking "just... why????" during most of the movie. I was REALLY surprised that it was nominated for an Oscar.

Thanks guys for understanding my problems with horror movies. I think the "NSFL" rating is working really well so far. Jeffrey, thanks for that in your last post... if I opened up a scary clip and couldn't sleep again tonight I would have been upset. What's that I'm saying? Yes, you heard me right - I couldn't sleep last night just from watching 10 minutes of Antichrist and then reading what you guys had to say about it (and reading a review on Slate about it). Seriously I didn't even see any of the most scary scenes and I couldn't sleep. And then other scary things that I HAD seen started to come into my mind. It's a snowball effect, the more I try to stop thinking about it the more images come into my head, it's horrible... I think it's because I was talking about The Ring, which really did scare me... and I've been watching the TV show Damages lately and there have been some really vividly violent scenes that I just can't shake from my mind. And so then I *really* couldn't sleep. I think I need to watch some happy movies and shows for a little while to clear my mind. So lame.

Also guys thanks for the heads up on Benny's Video, because Netflix did recommend it to me. But I really would not be able to stomach that, it sounds way too upsetting. Yuck, I can't put that into my head, how horrible.

Brandon, would you give the horror movies you listed at the beginning of your post a NSFL rating? (Bedlam, Eyes Without A Face, etc.?) I tend to do a bit better with older horror movies... but as you can see I do lose sleep easily.

Jeffrey, I understand what you're saying about laughing about things to remove yourself from them. I think I could stand to incorporate that tactic into a bit more of my own watching to keep some of this stuff out of my mind. I just don't really think it will work for me, sadly.

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