Monday, March 28, 2011


Jeffrey I noticed you said you didn't agree with most of the movies on my list of movies I know I should like but don't. I just wanted to say that clearly based on my choices I obviously didn't expect anyone in the entire world to agree with any of the movies on my list. I was making it more of a list like, based on personal preference or because there is clearly something wrong with me I don't like these movies but the rest of the world does and I wish I did... not saying anything about the movies themselves. They are obviously all excellent movies or I wouldn't be the only person I know who doesn't like them. I was just saying that personally I don't like them -- I don't want any of you to think I'm saying anything about the movies themselves, like that they were overrated or anything like that, I didn't mean that at all. Just wanted to clear that up!! I'm going to bed now to catch up on my sleep from last night. ;) Goodnight Film Club.

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